Tavern Songbook of the 2nd New Jersey Regiment
All For Me Grog
Well it's all for me grog, me jolly, jolly grog
It's all for me beer and tobacco
For I spent all me tin on the lassies drinking gin
Far across the western ocean I must wander
Where are me boots, me noggin', noggin' boots?
They're all gone for beer and tobacco
For the heels they are worn out and the toes are kicked about
And the soles are looking out for better weather
Where is me shirt, my noggin', noggin' shirt?
It's all gone for beer and tobacco
For the collar is all worn, and the sleeves they are all torn
And the tail is looking out for better weather
I'm sick in the head and I haven't been to bed
Since first I came ashore with me slumber
For I spent all me dough on the lassies movin' slow
Far across the Western Ocean I must wander
Pleasant and Delightful
It was pleasant and delightful on a mid summer’s morn
When the green fields and meadows were buried in corn.
And the Blackbirds and Thrushes sang on every green Tree
And the Larks, they sang melodious, at the Dawning of the Day
And the Larks, they sang melodious, (repeat 3 times)
At the Dawning of the Day
Well the Sailor and his true Love were out walking one day.
Said the Sailor to his true Love; I am bound far away.
I am bound for the East Indies, where the load Cannons roar,
And I’m leaving my Nancy; She’s the one that I adore.
And I’m leaving my Nancy, (repeat 3 times)
She’s the one that I adore.
Said the Sailor to his true Love; well I must be on me way.
The Topsails are hoisted and anchors aweigh.
Our big Ship lies waiting for a sail with the tide.
And if ever we should meet again, then I’ll make of you my Bride.
And if ever we should meet again, (repeat 3 times)
then I’ll make of you my Bride.
Then the ring from her finger, She instantly drew,
Saying, Take this dear Georgie and my Heart will go too.
And as he was embracing her, tears from her Eyes fell,
Saying may I go along with you? Oh no me Love, farewell.
Saying may I go along with you? (repeat 3 times)
Oh no me Love, farewell.
The Mole Catcher
In Wellington Town at the sign of the plow,
There lived a mole-catcher, can I tell Ye now?
He had a young Wife, she was buxom and gay,
And She and another young Farmer would play.
Yo-- di lie day, low di lie diddle, lie low die li day
The Farmer, he knocked on her Door and did say,
Where’s is the mole-catcher, Dear Woman I pray?
He’s out catching moles, you need have no fear.
But she didn’t know the mole-catcher was near.
Yo-- di lie day, low di lie diddle, lie low die li day
He crept up the stairs in the midst of their frolic,
The mole-catcher caught him right out by his jacket,
Said – I’ve been a mole-catcher for most of me life,
But here’s the biggest mole I’ve ever caught in me life!
Yo-- di lie day, low di lie diddle, lie low die li day
Well, I’ll make you pay dearly for till’n me ground,
I’ll take from your pocket a full 20 pounds.
20 pounds says the Farmer is really quite fine,
For it only works out to about a tuppence a time.
Yo-- di lie day, low di lie diddle, lie low die li day
Yo-- di lie day, low di lie diddle, lie low die li day---- WOOHHH!
The Girl I Left Behind Me
I'm lonesome since I crossed the hill,
And o'er the moor and valley,
Such grievous thoughts my heart do fill,
Since parting with my Sally.
I seek no more the fine or gay,
For each does but remind me,
How swift the hours did pass away,
With the girl I've left behind me.
Oh, ne'er shall I forget the night,
The stars were bright above me,
And gently lent their silvery light,
When first she vowed to love me.
But now I'm bound to Brighton Camp,
Kind heaven, then, pray guide me,
And send me safely back again,
To the girl I've left behind me.
Her golden hair in ringlets fair,
Her eyes like diamonds shining;
Her slender waist with carriage chaste,
Must leave the swan repining.
Ye gods above, oh hear my prayer,
To my beauteous fair to bind me,
And send me safely back again,
To the girl I've left behind me.
My mind her form shall still retain,
In sleeping or in walking,
Until I see my love again,
For whom my heart is breaking.
If ever I return that day,
And she should not decline me,
I evermore will live and stay,
With the girl I've left behind me
Bonnie Charlie
Bonnie Charlie's gone awa'
Safely o'er the friendly main
And many's the heart would break in twa
Should he no' come back again?
And will ye no come back again?
Will ye no come back again?
Better loved ya cannot be
Will ye no come back again?
Whenever I hear the blackbird sing
Unto the evening sinking down
Or thrush that makes the woods to ring
To me there is no other sound
And many's the gallant warrior fought
Many's the gallant chief did fall
And death itself was dearly bought
All for Scotland's king and laird
And now they lay broke, note and song
Lilting wildly up the glen
And these were the words of his sweet song
"Will ye no' come back again?"
The Old Soldiers of The King
Since you all must have singing and won't be said, "Nay,"
I cannot refuse when you beg and you pray.
I will sing you a song as a poet might say,
Of King George's old soldiers who ne'er run away.
We're the old soldiers of the King,
And the King's own regulars.
At Lexington we met with Rebels one day,
We got ourselves up in our finest array,
Our heads bid us stand, and our hearts bid us stay,
But our legs were strong-minded and took us away.
They fought so unfairly from back of the trees,
If they'd only fought open we'd have beat them with ease,
They can fight one another that way, if they please,
But we don't have to stand for such tactics as these.
We marched into Princeton with fifes and with drums,
With muskets and cannons, with swords and with bombs,
This great expedition cost infinite sums
But some underpaid Doodles, they cut us to crumbs.
Our general staff planned the Yankee's defeat,
With stealth we'd surprise them the next time we'd meet,
We marched, not expecting that we might be beat,
So the generals' plan of surprise was complete.
Tis true that we turned, but that shouldn't disgrace us,
We did it to prove that the foe couldn't face us,
And they've nothing to boast, it's a very plain case,
Though we lost in the fight, we came first in the race.
Over The Hills and Far Away
Hark now the drums beat up again
For all true soldier gentlemen
So let us list and march I say
And go over the hills and far away
Over the hills, and o'er the main
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain
Queen Anne commands and we'll obey
over the hills and far away
There's twenty shillings on the drum
For him that with us freely comes
'Tis volunteers shall win the day
Over the hills and far away
Come gentlemen that have a mind
To serve a queen that's good and kind
Come list and enter in to pay
And go over the hills and far away
And we shall live more happy lives
Free of squalling brats and wives
Who nag and vex us every day
So its over the hills and far away
Prentice Tom may well refuse
To wipe his angry master's shoes
For now he's free to run and play
Over the hills and far away
No more from sound of drum retreat
When Marlborough and Galway beat
The French and Spaniards every day
Over the hills and far away
Free America (18th)
That Seat of Science Athens,
And Earth's great Mistress Rome,
Where now are all their Glories,
We scarce can find their Tomb;
Then guard your Rights, Americans!
Nor stoop to lawless Sway,
Oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose,
My brave America.
Proud Albion bow'd to Caesar,
And num'rous Lords before,
To Picts, to Danes, to Normans,
And many Masters more;
But we can boast Americans!
We never fell a Prey;
Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza,
For brave America.
We led fair Freedom hither,
When lo the Desart smil'd,
A paradise of pleasure,
Was open'd in the Wild;
Your Harvest, bold Americans!
No power shall snatch away,
Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza,
For brave America.
Torn from a World of Tyrants,
Beneath this western Sky,
We form'd a new Dominion,
A Land of liberty;
The World shall own their masters here,
Then hasten on the Day,
Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza,
For brave America.
God bless this maiden Climate,
And thro' her vast Domain,
Let Hosts of Heroes cluster,
Who scorn to wear a Chain;
And blast the venal Sycophant,
Who dares our Rights betray.
Preserve, preserve, preserve, preserve
My brave America.
Lift up your Heads my Heroes!
And swear with proud Disdain,
The Wretch that would enslave you,
Shall spread his Snares in vain;
Should Europe empty all her force,
Wou'd meet them in Array,
And shout, and shout, and shout, and shout,
For brave America!
Some future Day shall crown us,
The Masters of the Main,
And giving Laws and Freedom,
To subject France and Spain;
When all the Isles o'er Ocean spread
Shall tremble and obey,
Their Lords, their Lords, their Lords, their Lords
Of brave America.
War and Washington
Vain Britons, boast no longer, with proud indignity,
By land your conquering legions, your matchless strength at sea,
Since we, your braver sons incensed, our swords have girded on,
Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza, for war and Washington.
Urged on by North and vengeance, those valiant champions came,
Loud bellowing "Tea and Treason," and George was all on flame;
Yet sacrilegious as it seems, we rebels still live on,
And laugh at all their empty puffs, huzza for Washington!
Great heavens! Is this the nation whose thundering arms were hurled
Through Europe, Africa, India? Whose navy ruled a world?
The lustre of your former deeds, whole ages of renown,
Lost in a moment, or transferred to us and Washington!
Yet think not thirst of glory unsheathes our vengeful swords
To rend your bands asunder, or cast away your cords,
'Tis heaven-born freedom fires us all, and strengthens each brave son,
For him who humbly guides the plough to god-like Washington.
Should warlike weapons fail us, disdaining slavish fears,
To swords we'll beat our ploughshares, our pruning-hooks to spears,
And rush, all desperate, on our foe, nor breathe till battle won,
Then shout, and shout America! and conquering Washington!
Jack Hall
Oh my name it is Jack Hall,
Chimney sweep, chimney sweep,
Oh my name it is Jack Hall, chimney sweep.
Oh my name it is Jack Hall,
And I've robb'd both great and small,
And my neck shall pay for all
When I die, when I die,
And my neck shall pay for all when I die.
I have twenty pounds in store,
that's no joke, that's no joke,
I have twenty pounds in store, that's no joke.
I have twenty pounds in store
And I'll rob for twenty more,
And my neck shall pay for all
When I die, when I die,
And my neck shall pay for all when I die.
O they tell me that in goal
I shall die, I shall die
O they tell me that in goal, I shall die.
O they tell me that in goal
I shall drink no more brown ale,
But be dash'd if ever I fail
Til I die, til I die
But be dash'd if ever I fail till I die.
O I rode up Tyburn Hill
In a cart, in a cart
O I rode up Tyburn Hill in a cart.
O I rode up Tyburn Hill,
and 'twas there I made my will,
Saying, "The best of friends must part,
So, farewell, so, farewell."
Saying, "The best of friends must part
So, farewell."
Up the ladder I did grope,
that's no joke, that's no joke
Up the ladder I did grope, that's no joke.
Up the ladder I did grope,
and the hangman spread the rope,
O but never a word said I,
coming down, coming down,
O never a word said I coming down
What a Court Hath Old England
What a court hath old England, of folly and sin,
Spite of Chatham and Camden, Barre, Burke, Wilkes and Glynn!
Not content with the game act, they tax fish and sea,
And America drench with hot water and tea.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.
There's no telling where this oppression will stop;
Some say-there's no cure but a capital chop;
And that I believe's each American's wish,
Since you've drench'd them with tea, and depriv'd 'em of fish.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.
Three Generals* these mandates have borne 'cross the sea,
To deprive 'em of fish and to make 'em drink tea;
In turn, sure, these freemen will boldly agree,
To give 'em a dance upon Liberty Tree.
[*Burgoyne, Clinton, Howe]
Derry down, down, hey derry down.
Now if the wise counsel of England doth think,
We may be enslaved by the power of drink.
They’ve a right to enforce it but then don’t you see,
The colonies too may refuse and be free.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.
Then freedom's the word, both at home and abroad,
And _______ every scabbard that hides a good sword!
Our forefathers gave us this freedom in hand,
And we'll die in defence of the rights of the land.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.
Rogue’s March
I left my home and I left my job
Went and joined the army
If I knew then what I know now
I wouldn't have been so barmy.
Poor old soldier, poor old soldier
If I knew then what I know now
I wouldn't have been so barmy.
Gave me a gun and a big red coat
Gave me lots of drilling
If I knew then what I know now
I wouldn't have took the shilling.
Sent me off on a real old boat
By Christ she was no beauty
Far far across the sea we went
Afore to do my duty
Fought the Russians, or was it the French
Really couldn't tell, sir
All I know is they fought so hard
They sent us all to hell, sir.
When we got back home again
To desert was my intent, sir
I sold my cot and I sold my coat
And over the wall I went, sir.
Went to a tavern and I got drunk
That is where they found me
Back to barracks in chains I was sent
And there they did impound me.
Fifty I got for selling me coat
Fifty for me blankets
If ever I 'list for a soldier again
The devil shall be me sergeant.
The Miller of The Dee
There was a jolly miller once
Lived on the River Dee
He danced and he sang from morn till night
No lark so blithe as he.
And this the burden of his song
For ever used to be
I care for nobody, no, not I,
If nobody cares for me.
So push, push, push the bowl me boys
Bring it round to me
For the longer we sit here and drink
The merrier we shall be
I live by my mill, God bless her!
She's kindred, child, and wife
I would not change my station
For any other in life.
No lawyer, surgeon, or doctor
E'er had a groat from me
I care for nobody, no, not I,
If nobody cares for me.
When Spring begins its merry career
Oh! how his heart grows gay
No summer drought alarms his fears
Nor winter's sad decay
No foresight mars the miller's joy
Who's wont to sing and say
Let others toil from year to year
I live from day to day.
Thus like the miller, bold and free
Let us rejoice and sing
The days of youth are made for glee
And time is on the wing.
This song shall pass from me to thee
Along this jovial ring
Let heart and voice and all agree to say
Long live Down with the King!
Froggy Would A Wooing Go
Froggy Would A Wooing Go, With a Heigh-Ho!
Whether his Mother was willing or no
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
He put on his high cocked hat, With a Heigh-Ho!
And out on the road he met with a Rat
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
They went to Miss Mousey s Hall, ’ With a Heigh-Ho!
They gave a loud knock and they gave a loud call
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
They said Miss Mouse bring us some beer, With a Heigh-Ho!
That we may drink and have good cheer
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
They said Miss Mouse sing us a song, With a Heigh-Ho!
O one that’s pretty but not too long
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
While they were a-merry making, With a Heigh-Ho!
A cat and her kittens came tumbling in
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
The cat she grabbed the rat by the crown, With a Heigh-Ho!
And the kittens they tumbled Miss Mousey down
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
Now this gave Frog a terrible fright, With a Heigh-Ho!
So he put on his hat and bid a good night
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
While the Frog was crossing the brook, With a Heigh-Ho!
A Duck came out and gobbled him up
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
So good friends here’s my advice, With a Heigh-Ho!
Don’t share good beer with rats and mice
Heigh-Ho Would A Wooing Go
(Slowly, softly, with profound feeling...) Froggy Would A Wooing Go......
Nottingham Ale
When Venus, the goddess of beauty and love
Arose from the foam that swam on the sea
Minerva sprang out from the cranium of Jove
A coy, sullen dame as most authors agree
But Bacchus they tell us, that prince of good fellas
Was Jupiter's son, pray attend to my tale
Those who most matter, mistake not the matter
He sprang from a bottle of Nottingham Ale
Nottingham Ale, boys, Nottingham Ale
No liquor on Earth is like Nottingham Ale
Nottingham Ale, boys, Nottingham Ale
No liquor on Earth is like Nottingham Ale
You bishops and deacons, priests, curates and vicars
When once you have tasted, you'll own it is true
That Nottingham Ale is the best of all liquors
And none understand what is good as do you
It dispels every vapor, saves pen ink and paper
When you've a mind from your pulpit to rail
So open your throats, you can preach without notes
When inspired by a bottle of Nottingham Ale
You doctors who more executions have done
with powder and potion and poultice and pill
Than hangman with noose, or soldier with gun
Or miser with famine or lawyer with quill
To dispatch the quicker, forbid us malt liquor
Till our body’s consumed and our face's grown pale
But mind who it pleases, what cures all diseases
Is a comforting bottle of Nottingham Ale
Whisky In The Jar
As I was going over the far famed Kerry mountains
I met with Captain Farrell and his money he was counting.
I first produced my pistol, and then produced my rapier.
Said stand and deliver, for I am a bold deceiver,
musha ring dumma do damma da
whack for the daddy 'ol
whack for the daddy 'ol
there's whiskey in the jar
I counted out his money, and it made a pretty penny.
I put it in my pocket and I took it home to Jenny.
She said and she swore, that she never would deceive me,
but the devil take the women, for they never can be easy
I went into my chamber, all for to take a slumber,
I dreamt of gold and jewels and for sure it was no wonder.
But Jenny took my charges and she filled them up with water,
Then sent for Captain Farrel to be ready for the slaughter.
It was early in the morning, as I rose up for travel,
The guards were all around me and likewise Captain Farrell.
I first produced my pistol, for she stole away my rapier,
But I couldn't shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken.
If anyone can aid me, it's my brother in the army,
If I can find his station down in Cork or in Killarney.
And if he'll come and save me, we'll go roving near Kilkenny,
And I swear he'll treat me better than me darling sportling Jenny
Now some men take delight in the drinking and the roving,
But others take delight in the gambling and the smoking.
But I take delight in the juice of the barley,
And courting pretty fair maids in the morning bright and early
(The Maid of Amsterdam)
In Amsterdam there lived a maid
Way-ay, a-rov’n'
In Amsterdam there lived a maid
Mark well what I do say
In Amsterdam there lived a maid
She was a mistress of her trade
I'll go no more a-rov’n with you fair maid
A-rov’n', A-rov’n', since rovin's been my ru-i-ay
I'll go no more a-rov’n' with you fair maid
I put my hand upon her knee
Way-ay, a-rov’n'
I put my hand upon her knee
Mark well what I do say
I put my hand upon her knee
She said young man you're much too free
I put my hand upon her thigh
Way-ay, a-rov’n'
I put my hand upon her thigh
Mark well what I do say
I put my hand upon her thigh
She said young man you're much too high
I put my hand upon her breast
Way-ay, a-rov’n'
I put my hand upon her breast
Mark well what I do say
I put my hand upon her breast
She said, young man, go south-south-west
I put my hand upon her snatch
Way-ay, a-rov’n'
I put my hand upon her snatch
Mark well what I do say
I put my hand upon her snatch
She said young man that's my main hatch!
(Slowly, melodically, and with feeling)
She gave her love with grace and ease
Way-ay, a-rov’n'
She gave her love with grace and ease
Mark well what I do say
She gave her love with grace and ease
(Now with GUSTO!)
And now I have the French disease!
CHORUS (One more time with feeling!)